Nail Salon Manicure Tips
Everyone wants to have a nail salon quality look and every girl also wants to get the best deal possible on manicures. One more request, every woman wants their nails done as conveniently as possible. There's a perfect mixture between quality and value when it comes to nail salons. Whether you're into exotic nails or celebrity nails styles there are tips for home maintenance that will extend the lasting effects of a professional manicure. Paying attention to your nails is the single most important thing that anyone can do. Once aware of how your hands behave the simplest thing to do it to keep all of the fingernails the same length. This is the most obvious thing to notice even for a guy who doesn't know anything about nails. Keeping all nails (at least per hand) the same length is the first step in maintaining your own look in between trips to the salon for a professional manicure or pedicure. One of the best ways to make sure all nails are the same length is to use a file. If you're not familiar with a file there is one pictured on the side of this text (below to the right). Files are great because unlike fingernail or toenail clippers files allow for more gradual adjustments to the nails and act as a better tool for shaping fingernail tips however you want. It's not advised that you pursue shapes that are squared off because these unnatural cuts can break easily and cause hang nails and other issues like ingrown toenails down the line. The boxed shape looks can also make fingers look fat unless you have naturally very skinny fingers. The ideal shape is rounded in an even manner and the particular style chosen will dictate how pointed the tip should be. Don't be afraid to do some experimenting when there isn't a particular important event coming up. If a big evening out or trip is approaching go with a look you know you'll be happy with. If there's some down time in your social calendar this is the time to try out funky nail styles to find the ones you like the best. While filing stop occasionally to compare your nails to each other to make sure they are all the same size. Getting a mirror can be helpful for this process as the different angle can give you a new perspective.Grip can be very important when handling a nail polish brush. Too firm a hold on the handle can result in over application while holding too loosely can mean less control than you need for the application. While for many people it feels natural to hold the applicator brush in between their index finger and thumb I'd like to suggest an alternate grip that I find gives better control to the user when applying nail polish to ones own hands or feet. Shiny nails look best when the brush is held with the middle finger and the thumb. Use the index finger which has more dexterity than any other finger to control the top or back of the brush. Before getting to the step of application consider how you loosen the polish when it either hasn't been used in a while or has never been opened. Violently shaking a nail polish bottle can create unwanted air bubbles. To minimize this effect roll the bottle smoothly within your hands. The heat that your body gives off will help loosen the toe nail polish while at the same time doing it in a gentle manner that doesn't create the bubbles that recklessly shaking does. In order to get the best look from any brand name nail polish you'll need your fingernails to be as clean as possible. Just washing with soap and water can be adequate but a more recommended approach is to use fingernail polish remover even when your nails don't currently have finger or toenail polish on them. The polish remover acts as a cleaning agent that not only rids your hands of outdated polish but also gets rid of other debris or soap residue left over from washing your hands. Cotton balls are the best tools for applying nail polish remover. Q tips are great for getting into small crevices and can be used for larger projects if you're out of cotton balls. If you don't have either and still want to thoroughly clean your nails before a manicure try a rolled up tissue or paper towel Sometimes you just have to be resourceful. A base coat should always be applied first before the first layer. If you're really pressed for time you can skip the thin layer of base coat and go right to applying a normal thick layer. It's recommend that you only undertake the process of doing your nails when you have enough time to commit to applying each step without being rushed. Use a manicure table and always make sure you have plenty of time for the best manicure. A cuticle nipper should be used to insure the entire area is sanitized and fresh. You don't want to lock in unwanted pieces of dead skin or anything else. If you want to replicate the salon feel at home do a pedicure soak while painting your nails. An easy way to do this is to moisten a cloth towel and then put it in the microwave for a few seconds. Continue to check on it every few seconds until it reaches a warm but comfortable temperature. Put moisturizing lotion around your bare feet and then wrap in the warm towel for a spa quality pedicure soak. Turn on light music, light candles, turn down the lights, and do whatever else puts you in the most relaxed and comfortable mood possible.
Fake nails compared to real nails can be a difficult decision. Sometimes real nails are in no condition to be shown off and fake nails are the only option. While many people think that fake nails aren't as classy and are easy to spot I believe that it depends on the look. Simple classic styles like a single color can look convincing even when on artificial nails. Yes, some fake designs are exotic but it's usually just for fun. Nail art and crazy designs aren't proper for formal functions but can be right for costume and other themed parties. Everyone agrees that nails should be properly kept but exactly what that means is a bit subjective. There is some debate over whether or not cuticles should be cut. To minimize infections it's recommended they they only be pushed back with an orangewood stick or spudger as it's also known. The cuticles after all serve to protect the nail. Buffing nails is also becoming increasing popular for ladies that want a nice clean look without the polish or designs. The bare buffed look is a classy casual style appropriate for almost any occasion short of the most formal. Quick drying topcoats are generally a bad idea. Give yourself a few extra minutes for drying. Not only will it save you a few minutes by allowing you to pass on what salons almost always charge a premium for but it also gives you a dependable look as the quick drying products tend to chip easier. Why pay more for an inferior product? Schedule accordingly and enjoy the professional look you pay for. For additional protection that will make the effects of a salon style manicure last longer in between trips wear gloves when doing some activities like cleaning, moving furniture, and especially gardening. Whenever possible preserve your nails and you'll be glad you did.
We just discussed wearing gloves when performing daily activities that you'll want to protect your nails from. Manicure services aren't as cheap as any of us would like them to be. Plus who has the time to be in a salon every week. Fortunately there is other advice besides spending your entire life in gloves if you want to maintain that spa quality manicure for an extended period of time. Some tips include applying a topcoat from time to time. Keep some in your purse, at your office, in your car, and around your place. Whenever you have downtime and the inclination to spend a few minutes applying a new coat that will seal in the look you want. Another factor to keep in mind before quickly slapping on a top coat before a traffic light changes is that you're going to need to consider the proper amount of drying time and this can mean anywhere from forty-five minutes to an hour. When dealing with pedicures wrap your toes if you're wearing closed toed shoes. It's simplest to wear sandals or flip flops when having your toenails done. When applying the nail polish make sure to adequately cover the tip as this will protect from unnecessary chipping. Just by spending a few more seconds making sure not to forget painting the tips will insure a proper look is locked in. Sometimes less is more when it comes to the thickness of coats. It's suggested that for an optimal look the best strategy is more thin coats as opposed to fewer thick coats. Four thin coats provides a smoother, cleaner look that should last longer and even dry faster while only doing a couple of more thick coats of nail polish will be less effective in terms of a quality job for hands or feet.Just as important as what you should be doing with artificial nails or any sort of cute nails is what you shouldn't not be doing. The world of chic nails is full of things you should do and things you shouldn't do. Up until this point we've only discussed the things that you should do to keep nails looking nice. Now let's take a look at a few classic nails mistakes in terms of things not to do. While many people just flat out think that nail extensions are a big no-no I'm speaking more specifically about things like not washing dishes without wearing dish washing gloves on your hands. Sure we did talk about protecting your nails with gloves earlier but we need to hit on some other less obvious points. Another one that should be obvious is that you shouldn't use your fingernails as tools for opening jars or picking away at things. Remember that when you have professionally done nails it's like wearing an expensive dress or outfit. You want to take care of the money that you spent prettying yourself up. Similarly when nails get too long they tend to get caught and snag on random stuff like your purse. Some people even jokingly call these long nails ghetto nails. Get out a file or even fingernail clippers if you have to and take care of small problems before they become big problems. Don't bite your nails because they will grow back jagged and unattractive. Instead keep a file handy and whenever you feel the urge to bite pull the file out of your pocket and work on your fingernails that way. These sorts of small things will reduce splitting. Filing in one direction and keeping the skin around your nails moisturized with lotion will keep nails clean.
When it comes to deciding what nail polish to wear there are a lot of factors to consider. With just color alone should it match your eye shadow or dress or lipstick or shoes? The options are a bit overwhelming. Think about your skin tone first and what season you are. Don't arbitrarily pick a colour but consult with a beautician for some general tips. Fashion changes all the time so it's hard to say that there are any static rules. Beauty tips change all the time so it's hard to say what's important to wear on a first date or what type of nails are best for a job interview because these rules change all the time. Toenails and fingernails should match or at least compliment each other. The rules are slightly different for young girls than they are for adult women. Young women wear different nail designs than more mature ladies that wear classic nails. Nail salons with professionals that can give you advice can be found all over most towns and cities. Search the internet to find the most appropriate manicurist that will be happy to speak about what styles are best for your skin tone and look. Nail salons are great places for manicures and when you're not getting your finger nail tips done you can pick up some tips on saving some money by doing your nails at home.
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